Pilgrimage to a holy place is a core principle of nearly all faiths. The Kabah, sense cube in Arabic, is a right-angled building stylishly draped in a silk and yarn veil. Situated in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, it is the holiest shrine in Islam.
All Muslims seek to assume the hajj, or the yearly pilgrimage, to the Kabah once in them subsists if they are gifted. Prayer five times a day and the hajj are two of the five supports of Islam, the most important principles of the faith Muslims also perform Umrah.
Upon arriving in Makkah, pilgrims gather in the courtyard of the Mosque al-Haram around the Kaaba. They then circumnavigate or walk around the Kabah, during which they hope to graze and touch the Black Stone.
Safa and Marwah are the two foothills between which Hajra the wife of Ebrahim (A.S) hurried seven times to see if she could plug any water or anyone from whom she could become some in instruction to give to her infant Ismail (A.S). This act is copied by all pilgrims performing Hajj or Umrah and is known as Saee. The band of ground amid Safa and Marwah is mentioned to as the Masaa. Allah mention in Quran: Allah brands mention of the Safa and Marwah foothills: “Verily Safa and Marwah are amongst the breakthroughs of Religion of Allah.
When Hajra (A.S) was passing through the valley among Safa and Marwah in her search for water she kept her eye on her baby son, Ismail (A.S). However, for part of the valley, he was concealed from view and she ran this distance. It is in imitation of this action that men are obligatory to rush through the same unit of the Masa. The area where she ran is today clearly defined by green lighting.
Ibn Abbas the Companion of Prophet said: The Prophet (P.B.U.H) added: “May Allah give Mercy on Ismael’s mother! Had she left the Zamzam unaided or had she not raised from that water Zamzam would have been a watercourse graceful on the superficial of the earth. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) further extra, then she drank water and suckled her child. The angel said to her: ‘Don’t be frightened of being deserted, for this is the House of Allah which will be built by this boy and his father, and Allah never abandonments His people.
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